An Estheticians’ Guide to Traveling

Traveling can drastically affect your skin. Between those super dry flights to anxiety induced breakouts, traveling can be hell on your skin! A few years ago I started seeing my Esthetician Brittany regularly due to my ongoing struggle with acne. On top of drastically helping my skin, I have learned a lot from her over the years (I was doing a lot of shit wrong). In this article I’ve included some of her amazing tips on how save your skin while traveling!

How to prevent sunburn while traveling

To prevent sunburn, make sure you are applying a broad spectrum sunscreen (UVA/ UVB) 30 minutes prior to going outside. This allows it to thoroughly absorb into the skin. Always try and wear SPF clothing, hats and sunglasses and seek shade to help when necessary. If you’re going to be in the water make sure to apply a water resistant sunscreen 60 minutes prior to going outside. In the case that you will be sweating or swimming, make sure to reapply every 2 hours. If you’re using a spray sunscreen, make sure you don’t apply outside. This will cause the spray to blow into the wind and it will not properly absorb into the skin. This will leave you vulnerable for a burn! Always use sunscreen all year long, winter burns can happen. Also, don’t forget your ears and lips. These are common areas that people tend to miss. It only takes 15 minutes to get a sunburn. Always use at least a sunscreen of 30 if not 50! 50 will protect you 85% from UVA/UVB rays. Try and avoid being in the sun between 10am-2pm , since the sun is at it’s peak.

Can you still get tan while protecting your skin?

I tell my clients this all the time when they want to argue with me that they want a tan even knowing the damaging effects. Nothing exists over a SPF 50…yes you will find SPF 60 or higher in the stores. But that doesn’t mean it’s more protection! SPF 50 protects you 85% from the UVA/UVB rays. So with that fact, yes, even if someone is wearing that SPF 50, they will still get a tan. This is because there is no sunscreen that protects you 100%. So still please sunscreen it up!

Drugstore products

I haven’t been in the drug store aisles in over 10 years… I do tell my clients who absolutely wont do professional products to get Cereve at Target. This is because I have seen my clients skin on it and the ingredients list isn’t too terrible.

Carry on products

Any product could always be carried with them on the plane. I instruct them to go get the smaller empty bottles sold at Target, Walmart, ect. in order to have a friendly travel size that is TSA approved.

*Over the years of getting facials with Brittany, I have fallen in love with the brand Dermatologica. It’s the brand of product they use for my facials as well as the product I try to use as much as possible. It is a a bit spendier, but has worked wonders on my face. Especially as someone who has struggled with acne my whole life! The thing I love about this brand is they have a mini trial pack. You can pick which one you need depending on your skin type and needs. But most contain some sort of cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and exfoliant. They all come in a size that could be brought on a plane, so even if you can’t check a bag you will have plenty of product. I purchased a kit for my month long trip to South Africa. And I had product still left over once the trip was through! So they last longer than expected.*

How to take care of your skin in hot and cold climates

To take care of your skin while traveling anywhere cold and hot, you still want to cleanse twice a day. Make sure you are using a SPF daily of 30 or higher. If traveling to a dryer climate, bring a heavier moisturizer if needed. It’s also nice to bring a good toner with since flying can dry out your skin as well. Always be drinking lots of water and use aloe if burns occur. If you are traveling in colder climates, you can use a barrier protectant.

Supplements for your skin

Whether you are getting them in your products or as a true supplement, Vitamin C, E and D-helps boosts collagen. They also helps fight against sun damage and are hydrating. Magnesium and omega 3s-helps with inflammation. These are helpful for people with sensitive skin or acne.

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